We’re here to help you

Be unique &
stand out from the crowd

Content marketing

We are former journalists with years of experience converted to Marketing and Communication

Content Strategy

Let’s decide together about the pillars of your communication

Content Creation

Let us do the creative writing based on your own needs

Social Media Managment

We are posting and managing the content of your social media accounts

Long-form Copy Writing

Ghost writing, blog posts, interviews: we have you covered

Content Design

Your content should be displayed in the most elegant way

Video Production

We film and adit short videos and testimonials with our own equipment, in our own small video studio

Communication Strategy

Not only what to say, but also why to say it

Media Relations

We keep in touch with the journalists from all the relevant media

Influencers Marketing

Discover, negotiate, follow up and monitor your best influencers collaboration

Media Trainings

Not everybody is confortable in front of an audience. We take you from where you are and make a public speacker out of you

PR Campaigns

We develop integrated PR campaigns based on newsworthy brand communication

Media Monitoring

Monitoring and reporting about all your media presence

PR & communication

Public Relations should be at the core of your communication effort


How to develop unique capabilities that make you pop out of the average

Vison / Mission

Why we do what we do? The public should know

Company Values

One of the most important decision is what not to do. This is part of our identity

Key Success Factors

Formulate and communicate internally and externally about your unique specific capabilities

Market Research

We can scan the market for current best practices in communication based on field specifics


From logo to corporate design manuals, we work with best creative people to develop your own identity

Website Design

Thou shalt not stay without an actualised website! First commandment of today’s marketing

Packaging Design

Wanna sell something? We can help you with the label and packaging design

Desktop Publishing

Printed media is not dead. Just taking a nap

creative & design

Whatever you do, it has to look good


Digital competence and support for your online presence

Website Development

Based on WordPress, using the most modern editors and Plug-ins

Website Support

Registration, hosting, maintenance. From zero to hero!


It doesn’t help to have a website if nobody gets to see it


Small e-commerce sites for small businesses and sevices. Based on Woo-commerce platform